Friday, March 10, 2006

"The Square Foot Art Show A Go-Go"

Susan (aka the Blogger's Wife) has work in two art events this weekend. I actually have work in one of the shows myself.

The first is at the The Beck Gallery. They have a show they are calling "The Square Foot Art Show A Go-Go"
March 11 to June 9, 2006
Opening Reception: March 11 from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.
Silent Auction: March 11 to March 17
The Beck Gallery
1720 Land O' Lakes Blvd.

Artists purchased 12 x 12 inch canvases, on which they could put anything they want. Sculptors and photographers were also invited.

Each artist can show up to 9 artworks in the exhibit. For one week beginning on March 11 a silent auction will be held with minimum bids starting at $100. Bids will increase by $10 increments. Any work not sold during this time will have fixed prices set by the artists not to exceed $500." The exhibit will run through June 10.

As all of of the artwork in this show is 12" x 12", if you're looking to start collecting art, this is a fun way to do it. They're the perfect size for kitchens and small spaces. You can check out the rest of the show's work (after March 11) at their website above.

Susan has 5 paintings in the show.


"Safe Harbor"

"Joy Unbridled"



"Racetrack Orphan"


If you are interested in bidding on any of Susan's paintings and can't get to the gallery, you can email bids to Tana.

I have a mixed media piece in the show. Yes me. I am actually a serious amateur photographer. I used to take photos at quarter horse shows and photographed Susan's clients for when she used to do portraits. The is the first time I ever exhibited anything.

The second show Susan is in is Las Damas De Arte "Sunday In The Arts" show. More on that in the next post.

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